Topic: Locomotives

Bombardier to deliver 33 Traxx locomotives to Akiem

Worldwide rolling stock manufacturer Bombardier Transportation will deliver 33 Traxx locomotives to European leasing company Akiem between 2019 and 2021. The 112-million Euros order includes three types: Traxx MS 2 (multi-system), Traxx AC 3 (alternating...Read more
|Comment|author: Mykola Zasiadko
Stadler EuroDual prototype in France

SNCF subsidiary buys Stadler locomotives

SNCF rail freight subsidiary Voies Ferrées Locales et Industrielles (VFLI) and lease company Alpha Trains have purchased thirteen Stadler locomotives. The deal includes twelve Euro4001 diesel-electric locomotives and a EuroDual bi-mode locomotive. Both models are...Read more
|Comment|author: Carlijn Kruidhof