AllRail warns Dutch parliament of NS concession violating EU market regulation
In an urgent letter, the European interest group ALLRAIL has sounded the alarm about “extreme tunnel vision” at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure regarding a new private concession to Dutch Railways (NS). In doing so, the association says the ministry is not complying with European market regulation rules, “undermining the credibility of European rail policy”.
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Even worse, neither Commission, nor nations have got a sustainable strategy!
Strategy ensuring Goal of EU, nearness within Hemisphere, is missing…
(Unique advantage, nearness to ports, Ocean, etc., has to be benefitted of!)
Railway standards, optimal at time of shift from steam, now, cause of devastating short comings of Industry, shall be outed!
A New Old Railway, providing, for high quality, capacity and utilisation, has to be constructed for!
Electrification, yes, but a timely, etc., etc.!