ÖBB extends carsharing service

OBB carsharing service, source: ÖBB
OBB carsharing service, source: ÖBB

Austrian rail infrastructure manager ÖBB-Infrastruktur has opened a new carsharing location at Vienna Praterstern railway station. Unlike other ÖBB’s carsharing points, the new site offers to the customers only climate-friendly electric vehicles.

The new carsharing point has become the first ÖBB’s site offering only the electric vehicles. Within the capital city of Vienna, the new location is the fourth ÖBB’s carsharing point. Three other sites are situated at the Vienna Central Station (Wien Hauptbahnhof), Vienna West Station (Wien Westbahnhof) and Vienna Floridsdorf Station (Wien Floridsdorf). The electric cars are also offered at the Vienna Central and West stations. Three cars are available at the Praterstern site: one BMW i3 and two Renault Zoe. The parking area is located close to the northern exit from the Vienna Praterstern station (direction Nordbahnstraße).

ÖBB Rail & Drive

Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) launched its carsharing service in December 2017. Now, it includes 28 locations (together with the Praterstern site) in 24 cities all around Austria. The ÖBB’s carsharing service is known as Rail & Drive. The company’s fleet consists of circa 280 cars, 20 of them are the electric ones. The electric vehicles are offered at 10 stations: Vienna Central (Wien Hauptbahnhof), Vienna West (Wien Westbahnhof), Vienna Praterstern, Amstetten, Bludenz, Leoben, Linz Central (Linz Hauptbahnhof), Salzburg Central (Salzburg Hauptbahnhof), St. Pölten Central (St. Pölten Hauptbahnhof) and Wiener Neustadt Central (Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof). By the year’s end, ÖBB plans to increase the number of electric vehicles up to 29 units.

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ÖBB carsharing network map, source: ÖBB

ÖBB carsharing network map, source: ÖBB.


To use the Rail & Drive service, a customer should register on the website. There are 5,400 registered users of the ÖBB’s carsharing. Before the first trip, a customer is obtained to visit the ÖBB Rail & Drive sales office for reviewing the driving license and picking up the loyalty card. Afterwards, the service can be used via mobile application. The tariff is based on time and mileage. The minimum rate per hour is 1.40 Euros and 0,15 Euros per kilometre. A customer is able to book a car for up to seven days.

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Author: Mykola Zasiadko

Mykola Zasiadko was editor of online trade magazines RailTech.com and RailFreight.com.

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