HS2 serves Wales from a distance says UK government

CGI of an HS2 train in the open country - looking up from track level
Blue sky thinking if you imagine HS2 serves Wales from a railhead at Birmingham Image: HS2 Ltd

A damning examination in the regional press has slammed the UK government for claiming that Wales will be served by HS2. Welsh citizens are unimpressed because the nearest the high speed railway project will reach to the Land of my Fathers, is that fine Welsh city of … Birmingham. That’s almost 70 miles (112 km) from the Welsh border. However, the Principality has been starved of a share of equivalent investment funds, as derogated by the rules of devolved government spending. Estimates put the lost investment funding at five billion pounds (5.6 billion euro), and critics say that would be transformational for transport in the context of Wales.

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Author: Simon Walton

Simon Walton is UK correspondent for RailTech.com and Railfreight.com

7 comments op “HS2 serves Wales from a distance says UK government”

Jamie Griffiths|15.08.23|13:41

Oh no, how shocking and surprising this is….who would have thought politicians from the capital of a different country wouldn’t care about us…


I wish this huge waste of money was serving me from 70 miles away.

John Hickey|15.08.23|19:03

What a numpty!

Marc Ricketts|15.08.23|19:50

Talking about HS2. Now what would be good. If we could Expand it to Wales in years to come as well. Especially to Holyhead Ferryport. And we could certainly do with a Underwater Tunnel as well. Now they can do it. But they need to do the right things. And don’t forget. Not everybody likes Flying. And don’t forget. Not everybody likes going on a Boat neither. And somebody I use to know. She didn’t like going on a Plane or go on a Ferry at Sea.

Gerald Holley|16.08.23|14:29

Shocking naked nationalism by the morally corrupt westminster government.Again Wales has been robbed of a fair share of the investment. There is no way on earth they could argue HS2 benefits Wales. The Tories even robbed Wales of Electrification of the mainline from Cardiff to West Wales. Clearly there is no limit to the depths of contempt to which the Tories will desccend to punish Wales for their continued dismissal by the Welsh electorate.

Craig E|16.08.23|15:00

Wales is a nation, a country, not a principality! This is just as infuriating as Westminster claiming we’ll benefit from HS2.

This was corrected a while back and confirmed us as an official country.

Glenn Swingler|01.10.23|13:12

Wales is not a principality.

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