RailTech Europe ’24: Challenges to market liberalisation in The European Union
As one of the 12 recognized rail associations representing the rail industry at a European level, the non-governmental organisation ALLRAIL, the ‘Alliance of Passenger Rail New Entrants in Europe,’ has been advocating for European Union (EU) regulation that will enable faster market opening in Europe since 2017. ALLRAIL Secretary General Nick Brooks discusses the core challenges to reaching their objective with RailTech.
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Fair competition, yes, however by nature railway infrastructure, by their IM:s,, etc., as stuck at old standards, is root and responsible, of current not optimal condition at Industry.
(Modes, referred, benefit of robustness – of resiliency and redundancy…)
A pity it is, but current railway infrastructure investing, at TEN-T, etc.,is cementing.
A New Old Railway is needed, and at current pro rail era, funding is not Bottleneck…
At a marginal extra, Shift can be and paid for, within 10 years.